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High pressure 5-29

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  • 5-29A



  • 5-29A



  • 5-29A



How to test the quality of the 5-29 centrifugal fan? For buyers, this is a problem that can not be ignored. Here please Wuxi centrifugal fan manufacturers technician to add to you, is on the installation of centrifugal fan construction process.
First, the centrifugal fan quality test
1. Determine the pressure near the fan. The dry bulb temperature and the wet bulb temperature are measured in the inlet air flow path of the fan, and the temperature is measured in the plane. The measured data can be used to determine the airflow density at each of the relevant planes.
2. With the import guide fan fan characteristics, including the guide vane in the fully open position of the operating state. In order to compare the test results with the fan characteristic parameters, the guide vane should be fixed in the fully open position during the test.
3. Record all relevant nameplate data for the centrifugal fan, including the voltage value and the rated load current value. It can also measure the fan speed and the amperage, voltmeter and wattage of the motor.
4. If the fan outlet side of the length of the fan is not enough, it will have additional system resistance. So in order to calculate the system additional resistance value, you need the degree of centrifugal fan outlet area and fan air supply area.

Contact: Mr. Wei 180 6833 7327 / 133 9518 5578 7 ????Tel: 0510-83303276 ????Fax: 0510-83303276

E-mail: 2637472470@qq.com ????Web: www.91habit.com ????Add: Luoxian Town, Huishan District, Wuxi City

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