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Centrifugal fan working principle and function

The working principle of the centrifugal fan is basically the same as that of the turbine compressor. It is only because the gas flow rate is low and the pressure is not changed. Generally, the change of the specific volume of the gas is not necessary, that is, the gas is treated as incompressible fluid. Centrifugal fan can be made of right-handed and left-handed two types from the motor side of the face, the impeller clockwise rotation, known as the right rotating fan, counterclockwise rotation, known as the left.

Centrifugal fans are mechanical machines that rely on the input of mechanical energy to increase the gas pressure and send the gas, which is a driven fluid machine. Centrifugal fans are widely used for ventilation, dust and cooling in factories, mines, tunnels, cooling towers, vehicles, ships and buildings; ventilation and induced winds for boilers and industrial furnaces; cooling and air conditioning equipment and household appliances Ventilation; grain drying and selection; wind tunnel and hovercraft inflatable and propulsion.

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